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An independent health check, review or assessment is a great way for businesses to sense check their current management or governance practices against your business strategy and planned outcomes.  An expert advisor from the Monolithic Corporate will review and consider your current practices against your strategic intent and plans. The review will identify areas in the organisation that are working well, which areas can be enhanced and those that require further development.


Board Chairs, CEOs or business owners may request this service.  Any business with few or many risk or governance functions and practices can have a health check, review or assessment undertaken.  We can undertake this across all functions of your organisation or specific areas of focus like board and executive operations or specific processes like ethics and values, compliance, risk, or other key focus area.


Monolithic Corporate comes into your organisation, discuss current custom and practice with key stakeholders and compare your activities against better practices including existing policy, industry standard or better practice framework.

We then consider where in the business life cycle your business is currently operating as well as where you would like to be and we tailor your health check, review and assessment based on better practices.  We produce a report with recommendations which will enable you to prioritise key opportunities for improvement and establish next steps including adopting recommendations we make for implementation.

You can get in touch with our team by calling +61 417 175 852 or by using the form below.

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